Founded in Faith
Rooted in Milwaukee
Building the Community
Bus Eligibility
Messmer Saint Rose offers bus service to families who live within a defined transportation zone and to those who are members of Saint Michael’s parish.
Below is a map of the transportation boundary for Messmer Saint Rose families. Families must live with the boundary to be eligible for transportation. Members of Saint Michael’s Parish may be eligible for transportation outside of the boundary if multiple students/families are in close proximity to each other.
Those who live between 28th & 32nd Streets and Wisconsin & St. Paul Avenue are in the walk zone and are not eligible for transportation.
Transportation Reimbursement Option
Families can choose to receive a transportation reimbursement from Milwaukee Public Schools by driving their students to school. To be eligible for this program. families must live more than 2 miles away from Messmer Saint Rose and are fully registered to attend by June 20. These payments are made the summer after the school year ends. The amount is determined by Milwaukee Public Schools and is based on the number of days in attendance.
Transportation Boundaries
Click image to enlarge
Call 414.263.8931 to take a tour or enroll your child!